Publication Figures

Publication Quality Figures

Journals (often) have strict yet confusing requirements for how they want manuscript figures to look. Here are some tips for how to handle this. [Using R]

Getting the right size/resolution

Journals often have size limits and recommended resolution for figures (e.g. no more than 6 in wide and 7 in tall, 600dpi resolution). Good news: if you use the ggplot2 package to make plots, you can then save your figures using ggsave()! There are options for width, height, and dpi. And since the resulting file will almost certainly be larger than the journal’s size limit, use the argument compression=‘lzw’ to make it smaller.

Multi-part figures

I have found the package multipanelfigure to be very useful. It allows you to make a multi-part figure by putting together any kind of objects: ggplot figures, base R figures, pngs, whatever. There is a fairly easy to understand example on their GitHub repo, and I used it in line 188 of this script. The general idea is you create a grid object with the function multi_panel_figure(), in which you specify things like size of columns/rows:

grid_object <- multi_panel_figure(width = c(50,50), height = c(50,50))

and then fill the grid one cell at a time

grid_object %<>% fill_panel(ggplot_figure, row = 1, column = 1)

grid_object %<>% fill_panel(png_path, row = 1, column = 2)

You can then use the function save_multi_panel_figure() which is similar to ggsave(), and again specify dpi and compression. Getting it to the right size is harder, I ended up playing around with column and row sizes until it fit.