Video Conferencing

For now, can be used as our permanent meeting room for any meeting I’m in (my account is Pro, so meetings are not capped at 40 minutes).

To use Zoom:

  1. Go to
  2. Click ‘Sign In’
  3. As ever, this will take you to the myUFL login page. Sign in and you will be in your Zoom account.
  4. Click Host a Meeting > With Video On
  5. This will download the Zoom desktop app. Also download the Zoom plugin for Chrome if you would like to add Zoom links to your Google Calendar meetings.

On the profile page, the link to your personal meeting room ( yourpersonalmeetingid) is a permanent link that can be used to start a meeting with you at any time.

Your Zoom account includes up to 24-hr long one-on-one meetings (you and one other account). But meetings are capped at 40 minutes for larger groups.