Letters of Recommendation

One of Ethan & Morgan’s jobs is writing letters of recommendation (or otherwise serving as references) for folks who have gone through the group. Your primary advisor is always happy to serve as a reference. If you’d also like a to get a reference from the other one of us just ask.



In cases where all that is required is contact information for references just send us a short message in Slack that tells us you’re applying for the job and includes a link to the announcement. We’ll use this if we get asked to provide a reference. Make clear in the message that you’ve just listed us and that there is nothing for us to do unless contacted.

Letters of recommendation

In cases where we need to write a letter up front, do the following:

  • Provide us plenty of time, ideally at least two weeks (but don’t not ask for a letter if it has to happen at the last minute, we’ll figure out how to get it done). This is particularly important if it is the first time that we are writing this type of letter for you.
  • Send a message that includes:
    • A link to the job/fellowship/award description
    • The date the letter is due
    • Details on how to submit the letters (typically either a link or an email address)
    • Anything you think is particularly important about the ad and/or that you’d like us to highlight. We typically develop a general letter, but are happy to customize in cases where that is useful.
  • We will contact you once we have sent the letter. If you haven’t heard from us 48 hours before it is due it is your responsibility to remind us.