Accessing the T-drive

Accessing the T-drive

  • If off campus, turn on the virtual private network (VPN) before connecting using the instructions here:
  • Follow the instructions for: 1) Windows or 2) macOS
  • On Linux use the same basic approach described in the Windows/macOS instructions, but enter UFAD for the WORKGROUP
  • Lab materials are in the lab-white-ernest folder
  • Our public file serving folder is Weecology


Assuming you’re running Ubuntu. Install the cifs-utils package, create a folder called /media/T for a mount point, then run the mount command, replacing <your-ufid> with your ufid (the same one used for email). You will be prompted for your password.

sudo apt-get install cifs-utils
sudo mkdir /media/T
sudo mount -t cifs LINK_FROM_INSTRUCTIONS_ABOVE_WITHOUT_SMB_PART /media/T/ -o username=<your-gatorlink>

(Yes, it would be nice if the LINK_FROM_INSTRUCTIONS_ABOVE_WITHOUT_SMB_PART could be provided directly, but apparently UFIT is a ‘security through obscurity’ shop ¯_(ツ)_/¯).