Editing the Lab Website

Cloning the Website Repository

First, fork the website repository to your own GitHub account. Then, clone your fork to your local machine and create a new branch. It’s recommended to work on a branch rather than the default main branch to keep your changes organized.

One-Time Setup

To get started, follow these steps for the initial setup:

  1. Install the blogdown R package:

  2. Install Hugo:

  3. Create a New R Project: Open RStudio, navigate to your local copy of the website repository, and create a new R project in that directory.

Adding New Members

To add a new member to the website, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Directory: Create a directory named content/authors/first-lastname/.

  2. Add an Avatar Image: Place an avatar image file named avatar.jpg in the directory: content/authors/first-lastname/avatar.jpg.

  3. Create and Customize an _index.md File: Copy an existing _index.md file from content/authors/ into the new directory and customize it with the new member’s details:

    cp content/authors/existing-author/_index.md content/authors/first-lastname/_index.md

Viewing Your Changes Locally

To see your changes in real-time on your local computer, follow these steps:

  1. Open the R Project: Open your R project in RStudio.

  2. Serve the Site: Run the following command in the R console:

  3. View in Browser: The site will appear in a pane within RStudio. Click the Show in new window button to open it in your web browser. The site should update automatically as you save files, though it may take a few seconds to reflect changes.

Submitting Your Changes

When you’re ready to submit your changes, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Pull Request (PR): Push your branch to your GitHub fork and create a pull request to the original repository. This will allow others to review your changes.

  2. Netlify Deployment Preview: After creating the PR, Netlify will automatically provide a deploy preview for the website. Check this preview to ensure everything looks correct.

  3. Merge the PR: If everything works fine, the PR will be merged.

After Merging

Once the PR is merged, the website will rebuild automatically. This process may take a few minutes, so please be patient. any issues, don’t hesitate to ask for help.